About Us

The Carga Viva project consists of artists, researchers in Performing Arts, teachers, students and graduates of the undergraduate course of the theater course at the School of Theater and Dance at the Federal University of Pará.

It aims to reflect and publish works in the area of ​​Performance, built in the academic environment, carried out by the students of that training course, in order to contribute to research and knowledge of performance studies.

It is worth mentioning that, countless works, originating from the teaching-learning process, have been strengthened artistically and started to circulate in the academic and artistic milieu in meetings, seminars, festivals and the like. This fact inspired us strongly to create Carga Viva.

The Carga viva team has the graduate student in theater Melquisedeque Matos from Etdufpa, Art Education Specialist Raphael Andrade, Graphic Design Specialist Danielle Cascaes, Master in Sustainable Development of the Humid Tropic Claudia Gomes, Doctor in arts by the PPGArtes from UFPA Arthur Doria and the organization of the texts is in charge of the PhDs in Performing Arts Karine Jansen and Larissa Latif.