Before I forget: weaving collective memories
Performance by Barbara Monteiro
Text by Danielle Cascaes and Barbara Monteiro
There’s cold blood / In cold blood
Performance by Marvin Muniz
Text by Artur Dória
Text and Performance by Carla Santos
Performance by Verônica Macieira
Text by Raphael Andrade
Performance by Elcio Lima
Text by Elcio Lima and Raphael Andrade
The Mark
Performance by Marília Soares
Text by Danielle Cascaes
Dead Tired
Performance and text by Rapha Rodrigues
Lelê: A Blind, Deaf and Mute Justice
Performance by Fernanda Falcão
Text by Fernanda Falcão e Cláudia Gomes
Every street corner has a piece of me: memory lane
Performance by Ismael Souza
Text by Artur Dória
Suicide 2018
Performance by Rafaela Aviz
Text by Melquisedeque Matos
Corpo Ajuremado
Performance by Wagner Abapuru
Text by Melquisedeque Matos
Performance by Melquisedeque Miranda
Text by Raphael Andrade
Contemporary Venus
Performance by Cristal Pereira
Text by Raphael Andrade
Performance by Victória Souza
Text by Melquisedeque Matos
Carne Corrompida
Performance by Luana Sousa Pereira
Text by Melquisedeque Matos and Luana Sousa Pereira
Help Me, Teacher!
Performance by Cibele Campos
Text by Larissa Latif
It was no accident!
Performance by Celso Cabral
Text by Celso Cabral e Cláudia Gomes
100 steps/No steps
Performance by Paulo Ricardo Nascimento
Text by Danielle Cascaes
Performance by Ana Paula Negrão, André Reis, Diego Leal and Bruno Sousa
Text by Danielle Cascaes
The Manifest Flower
Performance by Leandro Haick
Text by Danielle Cascaes e Leandro Haick
Flowers for Pietá
Performance by Raphael Andrade
Text by Cláudia Gomes and Danielle Cascaes
A Secret
Performance by Bento Henrique Oliveira de Sousa
Text by Bento Sousa, Claudia Gomes and Raphael Andrade
Lady of Time
Performance by Neire Lopes
Text by Neire Lopes and Cláudia Gomes
Quem Pariu Mateus Que O Embale!
Performance by Ana Paula Castro
Text by Karine Jansen and Raphael Andrade
Why Did You Forget Me?
Performance by Isabella Valentina Conceição Barros
Text by Raphael Andrade
Fur I Am
Performance by Danielle Cascaes
Text by Karine Jansen and Danielle Cascaes
Performance by Odin Gabriel
Text by Karine Jansen and Larissa Latif
Epidermis Reminiscent
Performance by Thalia Santos
Text by Cláudia Gomes, Thalia Santos and Larissa Latif